Here are some recommendations of useful publications on wildlife gardening. We welcome your suggestions.


APS Keilor Plains (2011). Plants of Melbourne’s Western Plains: A gardener’s guide to the original flora, 2nd Edition. Australian Plant Society – Keilor Plains Group Inc.

Bishop, AB (2018). Habitat: A practical guide to creating a wildlife-friendly Australian garden. Murdoch Books.

Buchanan, R.A. (1999). Bush Regeneration: Recovering Australian landscapes. Open Training and Education Network – Distant Education, NSW

Buchanan, R.A. (2009). Restoring Natural Areas in Australia. Tocal College, Paterson, NSW Ph: 1800 025520

Bull, M., author, & Stolfo, G. (2014). Flora of Melbourne: A guide to the indigenous plants of the greater Melbourne area, 4th Edition. Hyland House Publishing Pty Limited.

Casey, K. (2001). Attracting Frogs to your Garden: Creating an ideal habitat for native frogs in your own backyard. Envirobook or Kimberley Publications

Claridge, A., Hazell, D., Cunningham, R., Lindenmayer, D., Michael, D., Crane, M., & MacGregor, C. (2003). Wildlife on Farms: How to Conserve Native Animals. CSIRO Publishing. (Note: this is a great book with wonderful diagrams and explanations that can be applied to any domestic landscape).

Grant, P., & Australian Broadcasting Corporation. (2003). Habitat Garden (Gardening Australia). ABC Books.

Lindenmayer, D., Fischer, J., & CSIRO Publishing. (2006). Habitat Fragmentation and Landscape Change : An ecological and conservation synthesis. CSIRO Publishing.

Museum of Victoria, & CSIRO Publishing. (2006). Melbourne’s Wildlife: A field guide to the fauna of greater Melbourne. Museum of Victoria and CSIRO Publishing.

Teschendorff, J. (2020). Grow Wild: Gardening to sustain wildlife in the Hepburn Shire

Urquhart, P. (1999). The New Native Garden: Designing with Australian plants. New Holland Publishers.

Technical Reports

Mumaw, L.M., & Mata, L. (2022). The socio-ecological benefits of wildlife gardening. Report prepared for Gardens for Wildlife Victoria. Link here >>

Journal Articles

Aronson, M.F.J., Lepczyk, C. A., Evans, K. L., Goddard, M. A., Lerman, S. B., MacIvor, J. S., Nilon, C. H., & Vargo, T. (2017). Biodiversity in the city: key challenges for urban green space management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 15(4), 189-196.

Brown, J., Threlfall, C.G., Harrison, L., Baumann, J., Williams, N.S.G. (2024). Rapid responses of bees and butterflies but not birds to targeted urban road verge habitat enhancements. Journal of Applied Ecology.

Davison, A., & Ridder, B. (2006). Turbulent times for urban nature: conserving and re-inventing nature in Australian cities. Australian Zoologist, 33(3), 306–314.

Diduck A.P., Raymond C.M., Rodela R., Moquin R., & Boerchers, M. (2019). Pathways of learning about biodiversity and sustainability in private urban gardens. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 63(6), 1056-1076 doi/full/10.1080/09640568.2019.1633288.

García-Antúnez, O., Lindgaard, J., Lampinen, J., & Stahl Olafsson, A. (2023). Gardening for wildlife: A mixed-methods exploration of the factors underlying engagement in wildlife-friendly gardening. People and Nature, (June 2022), 1–18,

Goddard, M. A., Dougill, A. J., & Benton, T. G. (2010). Scaling up from gardens: biodiversity conservation in urban environments. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 25(2), 90–98

Hartman, L. M., & Wooley, K. M. (2020). The Good, the Wild, and the Native: An ethical evaluation of ecological restoration, native landscaping, and the ‘Wild Ones’ of Wisconsin. Environmental Values, 29, 579–603.

Humphrey, J. E., Haslem, A., & Bennett, A. F. (2023). The noisy neighbor conundrum: what influences the value of urban sites for forest birds? Urban Ecosystems, (0123456789).

Jones, M. S., Teel, T. L., Solomon, J., & Weiss, J. (2021). Evolving systems of pro-environmental behavior among wildscape gardeners. Landscape and Urban Planning, 207, 104018,

Lange, F., Hermans, Z., De Koster, J., & Smismans, R. (2022). Promoting pro-environmental gardening practices: Field experimental evidence for the effectiveness of biospheric appeals. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 70, 127544,

Larson, K. L., Lerman, S. B., Nelson, K. C., Narango, D. L., Wheeler, M. M., Groffman, P. M., Hall, S. J., & Grove, J. M. (2022). Examining the potential to expand wildlife-supporting residential yards and gardens. Landscape and Urban Planning, 222, 104396,

Lerman, S. B., Narango, D. L., Avolio, M. L., Bratt, A. R., Engebretson, J. M., Groffman, P. M., Hall, S. J., Heffernan, J. B., Hobbie, S. E., Larson, K. L., Locke, D. H., Neill, C., Nelson, K. C., Padullés Cubino, J., & Trammell, T. (2021). Residential yard management and landscape cover affect urban bird community diversity across the continental USA. Ecological Applications, 31(8), e02455,

Mata, L., Andersen, A. N., Morán-ordóñez, A., Hahs, A. K., Ives, C. D., Bickel, D., Duncan, D., Palma, E., Thomas, F., Cranney, K., Walker, K., Shears, I., & Semeraro, L. (2020). Indigenous plants promote insect biodiversity in urban greenspaces. bioRxiv preprint:

Mata, L., Ramalho, C. E., Kennedy, J., Parris, K. M., Valentine, L., Miller, M., Bekessy, S., Hurley, S., & Cumpston, Z. (2020). Bringing nature back into cities. People and Nature, (March), 1–19.

Mumaw, L. M., Ison, R., Corney, H., Gaskell, N., & Kelly, I. (2023). Reframing governance possibilities for urban biodiversity conservation through systemic co-inquiry. Environmental Policy and Governance.

Mumaw, L., & Mata, L. (2022). Wildlife gardening: an urban nexus of social and ecological relationships. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 20(6), 337-388, doi:10.1002/fee.2484

Mumaw, L. M., & Raymond, C. M. (2021). A framework for catalysing the rapid scaling of urban biodiversity stewardship programs. Journal of Environmental Management, 292, 112745,

Mumaw, L.M., Maller, C., & Bekessy, S. (2019). Assessing and strengthening community capacity building in urban biodiversity conservation programs. Cities and the Environment, 12(2), 4,

Mumaw, L. (2017). Transforming urban gardeners into land stewards. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 52, 92–103,

Mumaw, L., & Bekessy, S. (2017). Wildlife gardening for collaborative public–private biodiversity conservation. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 24(3), 242–260, doi:10.1080/14486563.2017.1309695.

Mumaw, L. M., Maller, C., & Bekessy, S. (2017). Strengthening wellbeing in urban communities through wildlife gardening. Cities and the Environment, 10(1), 6,

Palmer, D., & Dann, S. L. (2004). Using implementation and program theory to examine communication strategies in National Wildlife Federation’s Backyard Wildlife Habitat program. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 3(4), 219–238.

Raymond, C. M., Diduck, A.P., Buijs, A., Boerchers, M., & Moquin, R. (2019). Exploring the co-benefits (and costs) of home gardening for biodiversity conservation. Local Environment, 24(3), 258–273,

Segar, J., Callaghan, C. T., Ladouceur, E., Meya, J. N., Pereira, H. M., Perino, A., & Staude, I. R. (2022). Urban conservation gardening in the decade of restoration. Nature Sustainability, 5, 649-656,

Shaw, A., Miller, K.K., & Wescott, G. (2017). Australian native gardens: Is there scope for a community shift? Landscape and Urban Planning, 175, 322-330.

Soanes, K., Sievers, M., Chee, Y. E., Williams, N. S.G., Bhardwaj, M., Marshall, A. J., & Parris, K. M. (2018). Correcting common misconceptions to inspire conservation action in urban environments. Conservation Biology, 33(2), 300-306,

Tahvonen, O., & Airaksinen, M. (2018). Low-density housing in sustainable urban planning – Scaling down to private gardens by using the green infrastructure concept. Land Use Policy, 75, 478-485,

Threlfall, C. G., Mata, L., Mackie, J. A., Hahs, A. K., Stork, N. E., Williams, N. S. G., & Livesley, S. J. (2017). Increasing biodiversity in urban green spaces through simple vegetation interventions. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54, 1874–1883.

van Heezik, Y. M., Dickinson, K. J. M., & Freeman, C. (2012). Closing the gap: communicating to change gardening practices in support of native biodiversity in urban private gardens. Ecology and Society, 17(1), 34.

Van Helden, B.E., Skates, L.M., Close, P.G. (2024). Use of wildlife-friendly structures in residential gardens by animal wildlife: evidence from citizen scientists in a global biodiversity hotspot. Urban Ecosyst.

Van Helden, B. E., Close, P. G., Stewart, B. A., Speldewinde, P. C., & Comer, S. J. (2020). An underrated habitat: Residential gardens support similar mammal assemblages to urban remnant vegetation. Biological Conservation, 250, 108760,


Wolfe, Diana (2019). A wildlife garden: an introduction to attracting wildlife to urban Melbourne gardens. Link here>>