New Whitehorse Gardens for Wildlife program

Whitehorse has recently trialled a new Gardens for Wildlife program that involves the City of Whitehorse, Whitehorse’s six parkland advisory committees, two indigenous nurseries, and its tree preservation/education group. Amongst the innovations of the Whitehorse program are:

  • A native bee hotel as a gift made by the local Men’s Shed for early members of the program.
  • A decentralised booking system for garden assessments, with garden guides managing their own visits. The designated report writer takes responsibility for organising the visit, which creates a helpful rapport with the resident before guides show up.
  • A simple Health and Safety online survey sent via email to the resident with confirmation of the appointment.
  • Taking pictures of gardens (front/back/side) with owner’s approval, to illustrate follow-up reports of the visit for advice and support.
