What a strange time this is! A world-wide catastrophe surrounds us, with more pain to endure when the economic fallout is fully realised.
And yet, right now in our part of the world in Central Victoria, the countryside looks beautiful after the recent sunshine and plentiful rain. The bushland has responded with masses of blossom and new growth, summoning a bountiful season for the local wildlife.

The natural world is full of promise.
There is a dissonance between what we know and what we see.
In this household, ‘social isolation’ presents opportunities. Firstly, we are in close electronic contact with family and friends, so our isolation is physical, not social. In fact, we have more time to keep in close contact with people than we had before. Secondly, the space created in our day has allowed for concentrated involvement in the garden. More time to create habitat for our furry and feathered friends. What bliss…

Spending time in nature is one of the best things you can do for your mental health, it’s restorative and calming and contributes to feeling well. Also a great opportunity to spend time with children, teaching them about natural flora and how things grow and an opportunity to take time to grow some of your own food and appreciate where food comes from. Get back to basics and put your hands in the soil, its all positive in an uncertain time. Attracting fauna to the garden, like lizards, butterflies, skinks, native birds, beetles etc is an added bonus! So much fun and enjoyment to be had in the garden.